Paper 1

Psychological Problems

Criminal Psychology

Criminal Conversion Joke


Defining Criminality is difficult because it's a Social Construct; What was once a Crime, may not be Now, and what is Crime Now, may not be in the Future; It all depends on the people at that point in time. Eventhough this idea makes it hard to Identify what Traits make a Criminal (As none can be Universal), we know that Crime comes in 5 basic types:
1. Violent
2. Drug-related
3. Aqusitive
4. Sexual
5. Anti-social
Along with this you will also need to remember Core Theory One: The Social Learning Theory and Cooper & Mackie's Study to go with it, and Core Theory Two: Eysnerics's Theory on Criminal Personility along with Heaven's Study.
If that wasn't enough, there's more; You will also have to understand how rehabilitation and punishments reduce crime rates.

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Research Methods - Designing an Investigation